JMB Family Council Website Photo - Building & Stacks

The JMB Family Council Sees the Need for a Family Website

As JMB family members had access and became fluent with technology, a need was seen to establish a JMB Family website. This huge endeavor was begun by Charlotte Schillaci, Web Designer under the direction of Lilla Hammond, Chair of Communications. Charlotte, who served the Family Council for many years, excels in photography and has an extensive background in design and advertising. Charlotte, Lilla, and Leila Bristow, serving as a Historical Council member, began the collection of current as well as historical photos, genealogical studies, interviews and stories.

Many of these stories and interviews came with permission from OJ Reiss, III and Gertrude Pfost from their book, The Burguiéres Family.

In 2018, the collection and editing of materials to be used in the new, JMB Family Assembly website continued under the direction of Lilla Hammond, Chair. Lilla had served the Family Council for many years establishing cordial as well as professional working relationships among family members, stockholders, and business and industry representatives, alike.

Elected and added to the Communications Committee in the Spring of 2019, was Cindy Cangiolosi, a Graphic Designer and video editor. She is a graduate of LSU in Graphic Design, and has worked in the design industry and taught Fine Arts, Art History, and all Adobe products including Premiere Pro for video production. She has a portfolio of many design awards as well as Teacher of the Year for all of Ascension Parish, and was a top 3 Finalist for Teacher of the Year for all of East Baton Rouge Parish.

In 2019, the task of creating a more up-to-date, modern look for the JMB Family Assembly website began in conjuction with Dovetail, (now, Comit as of 2023). Cindy redesigned the overall look, layout, and organization of the Family website using her skills.

On Saturday, February 8, 2020, Cathy Eagan Gill, Chair, along with Lilla Hammond, Chair of Communications, and Cindy Cangiolosi, Web Designer, debued the new site to the family. The site continues to evolve, and all family members are invited to submit their photos and articles for publishing on the website, and may do so via email or through the Contact Us on this website.

In addition, the Communications Committee has worked, tirelessly, with each Branch's representative, to gather, edit, and update the Family Tree which had not been updated since 2012. This monumental task was completed in January, 2024.

Family members may go to the Printable Family Tree for their own printout.

In addition, in 2024, Cindy Cangiolosi gave a fresh, new look with meaningful photos for the annual JMB Family Assembly PowerPoint presentation held at Hotel Monteleone. This slideshow not only held important information regarding the Family Council, the elections, the JMB Education Award recipients, and news, but meaningful photos with names from each branch were added, so, we can better get to know each other.

Communications Committee Purpose

To inspire family members to get involved with the Family Assembly and to help foster a sense of family unity and pride by creatively and consistently presenting and sharing information.

Committee activities include:

  • Creating, maintaining, writing and gathering content for the Family Assembly website.
  • Writing and gathering news stories and photos for the Family Assembly newsletter.
  • Maintaining and updating the J. M. Burguières Family Assembly Facebook page.
  • Creating invitations, flyers, and other communications pieces.
  • Writing and sending emails on behalf of the Family Council to share important information and news.